A bittersweet farewell to our two-year stint in Boise, Idaho.
I’m glad to be on my next phase of life and artwork; but I will miss our home in Avimor—the best and probably the last brick and mortar home we will own.
© 2017 Louise Levergneux, home in Avimor/Boise, Idaho
I regret leaving my best friend Dale Rogers, who supported me in dark times.
© 2017 Louise Levergneux, Kenzie Rogers, my Sheltie fix for the last seven months
© 2017 Louise Levergneux, a little tribute to Kenzie who passed away a week before my departure, she will be missed
I loved hiking in the foothills of Avimor when wildflowers covered the hills.
© 2017 Michael Sutton, in the Foothills
It was a struggle in the last two years to fit all my equipment in this small space—paper, binding cloth, cutters, glue... and my Topaz after having such a large space in Utah. I made it work. I got to love my small studio with its large window bringing in the brightest light from the north. It was a cozy creative place.
I need to figure out how to create in a much smaller space—in a 90 square feet of home—well I should say no space! How will I approach creating on the road with the suggestions I received after my last blog post? I will blog later on the subject.
© 2017 Louise Levergneux, my studio
I’m looking forward to the French welcoming ritual my family and friends have back home. See what I mean! C'est la bise après tout!
I’m hoping to visit artists studios on the road, and my first stop was to be Helen Hiebert in Colorado. With unforeseen difficulties, I did not get to meet Helen in person. Maybe the next time! Next, Dana Ryan Perez's studio, a fiber and artists’ bookmaker in Nashville, Tennessee.