I feel my artists’ book Surveillance was a success. After selling four copies in two days, I wanted to complete the edition to allow other collections the opportunity to acquire Surveillance.
© 2021 Louise Levergneux. The City Shields series was completed last December with a 20th Anniversary edition. Yet, during a hike, a manhole cover attractted my gaze!
It is not a straightforward task to complete an edition after a break unless you transcribed excellent notes. This time I was prepared, especially since the break was not excessively long and my key part of the creative process was all mapped out. Ready to go, I was gobsmacked at the fact the electronics could not be accomplished at this time. Inevitably something goes wrong!
© 2021 Louise Levergneux. All lot of work still needs to be done on Surveillance for its completion. But for now, all that is left on my work table are: bookcloth covered bars and 16 screws for securing the camera on the front cover.
With the help of the BookListServ, I was able to approach someone to assist with the electronics — what a stroke of luck. After re-organizing the schedule for each stage of construction, I started cutting the boards for the cover — phase one done. Nope! I realized I didn’t have enough Canapetta bookcloth, had to make an order through Talas in NYC. I was able to bind the covers after a week — now phase one is really done! Phase two, the finished four covers have been sent to Sarah Pike of Free Fall Laser to be laser cut. Next, print, cut and fold the tunnel pages. Hoping to get this done this week.
In between these specific tasks, I’m engrossed with a new artists' book idea begun almost four years ago on a trip back home to Ottawa, Ontario, from Boise, Idaho. It has taken longer than usual to bring this project to some kind of beginning. The book was consistently at the forefront of my mind while other projects had to be completed. Life changed in many ways since those trips back home — life is different, we are presently living in Arizona in the midst of a pandemic unable to cross the border. I don’t see life the same way, and I still yearn for my muse — Topaz.
© 2021 Louise Levergneux. Notes for my next project with working title « Secrets ».
Once I started looking at my notes and reflect on the book, the excitement began and the artist statement was written. For me this is the best way of getting to the heart of a project. My interest still lies with the issue and challenge of being surveilled. This is what I started writing:
Why so much surveillance in the world? Everyone’s life is being recorded. My most critical issue is being profiled through internet searches, phone calls, emails and text messaging. I’m not sure people are comprehending the extent of it. What do phones, computers and Google tracking mean for our privacy? My life is mine to experience — for my eyes only in order for me to generate diversity of thought. Privacy is having and enjoying control over personal information, not a concept of augmented reality...
© 2021 Louise Levergneux. Thoughts on binding format for « Secrets »
© 2021 Louise Levergneux. Some ideas are being implemented at least in my head and photos are being researched.
© 2015 Google Street View image. Google Maps is what started the idea for « Secrets »
The grand plan of action at the moment begins with the word « Secrets ». With a working title, I’ve begun the planning of the content phase. The structure of the book is undecided, but FBI reports come to mind. Naturally, by the time the artists’ book is finished, the size of the page, the composition, the photos, and the structure/binding of the book may well have changed. My creative process is always evolving. More on this artists’ book in the next couple of months.
The working phase starts with exhilaration, ideas come and go, frustration sets in... Glue gets involved--more frustration! In the end the work gets done. The final product usually brings satisfaction and life goes on!
What starts your creative idea, an image, a text or your environment? If you would like to share ideas or start a discussion on your current project, please email me at louiselevergneux [at] gmail [dot] com. Have a great month!