© 2017 Louise Levergneux, The Harry Ransom Center
I visited the Harry Ransom Center at The University of Texas in Austin, twice during my séjour. The structure captivated my attention from the outside in with its two inside plazas etched in glass with images of the collections.
© 2017 Louise Levergneux, The Harry Ransom Center, Picasso's Eyes, David Douglas Duncan, 1957; silhouette of Oliver Twist, Sir Francis Carruthers Gould, 1890s; Rooster device, Golden Cockerel Press, ca 1923; Horse in Motion, Eadweard Myubridge, ca 1886
Front facade, first and second floors of the Center were re-designed and completed in 2003 under the direction of the San Antonio architects Lake/Flato. Abundant Texas light reflects architecturally the two-fold vision of the Ransom Center.
The mission of the Center encourages discovery, inspires creativity, and advances understanding of the humanities for a broad and diverse audience through the preservation and sharing of its extraordinary collections.
© 2017 Louise Levergneux, The Harry Ransom Center
I received a wonderful Texan welcome by Olivia Primanis, Senior Conservator for the Ransom Center. Olivia was approachable and a gentle soul.
Olivia directed me to visit the artists’ books repository part of the Art Collection. To get access to the artists’ books one can open a research “Aeon" account then go to the reading room and page your chosen artists’ books for an original research or specialized study.
The Harry Ransom Website Collections page
© 2017 Olivia Primanis, a sample of the Book Arts database with thumbnail images online
© 2017 Olivia Primanis, a sample of the Book Arts database with thumbnail images online
It was a pleasure to do a “show and tell” session by sharing my process and books with Olivia and her co-workers; Ellen Cunningham, Associate Director for Preservation and Conservation, Dana Kull, a volunteer, Kimberly Kwan an intern for the paper lab, and Mary Baughman from the Austin Book Arts Center who also joined us.
After a wonderful hour, Olivia invited me to join her for French lunch. Olivia and other colleagues meet every Tuesday for lunch and speak only French for an hour. I did not realize I would speak French in Austin!
Cela était chouette d'être demandée !
Merci, Olivia pour une visite fantastique ! À la prochaine.