Visit My Studio

Do you enjoy visiting artists’ studios? Spend time in another world? I do, I love it! 

An artist’s studio gives you insight, walls filled with inspiration, memorabilia, writings, flyers, invitation cards... One notices the workflow, the equipment collected through the years, the stack of papers, the assortment of book cloths...

I love small thingamajigs sitting on shelves or ideas pinned to boards. You can visualise the beginnings of a final piece, you can sense the artist’s mind cogitating.

Going from one project to another, how do you dust off your worktable and unburden your mind for a new project?

My mind gets clogged around what I call crunch time—the stretch between finishing touches, call for entries, the prospectus for new books! I can’t brainstorm for this post. No bright ideas to write, aucune idée, nada, zero...

Let's take a break and take this opportunity to visit my messy studio. My half studio not big gets messy fast. I had to move out a filling cabinet that supported my old Epson 2200 to make room for this—

 My Epson 2200 sits on a plastic bin to print business cards today.

My Dahle 554 cutter has found another calling—a bench for Finding Home's different elements of to be assembled.


My tools are full of glue so cleaning is a priority. How do you keep your tools clean as you work? Any advice is good!

At least, my small tools are in place.

My walls are full of artwork that inspires me but since the world is spinning fast, this cartoon reminds me to take it easy.

And the results of my labour, books and more books! How big is your inventory? 

Do you have a plan to organise your archives? Do you plan for the future for what happens to your legacy?

Work awaits...